Andreas Storm
Andreas Storm
I’m Andreas, but better known as Stormi. OG Raycast user and I tweet about design and little big details of digital products.

Favorite feature

Since I have quite a few meetings, I often use Commands to join or create new calls on the go. This saves me a ton of time – I couldn’t live without it.

Most used Commands, Quicklinks, Scripts and Snippets

Most Commands in the Window Management are always helpful; Figma Files by Michael Schultz in the Store, and File Search by Raycast.


Top extensions from the Store

As I mentioned, an extension I use often from the Store is Figma Files, so I can quickly find and open files inside Figma, without needing to navigate in the app.

I also use Zoom and Google Meet to start calls, schedule new meetings, and see my upcoming call schedule.

Aliases, hotkeys, and fallback searches

⌘ ⌥ B for Open Browser, ⌘ ⌥ F for Figma Files, and a bunch for Window Management.


Anything else

Simple, clean, and fast. For me, it’s already a perfect tool and I’m always amazed when the team releases new things.

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