I don’t even know where to start — Raycast is such an integral part of my daily workflow. I haven’t used Launchpad in *years.* I’m an app and tab minimalist (I know, crazy). Retaining focus is key to good, short workdays, which means the fewer things I have to switch between the better.
Being able to manage my Things to-do or join meetings in my calendar straight from Raycast streamlines my day massively. Tasks and meetings are things you can’t escape. But being able to use what you need from Raycast is a really non-intrusive way of managing your workday, without having to deal with the consequences of context switching.
On a more design-specific note, having quick, easy access to my Clipboard History is a game changer for when you’re trying to copy and paste a million pieces of content from the client into your designs. It has saved me a ridiculous amount of time before.
But my favorite actually has to be Raycast’s Confetti Command, which has featured in more than one screen share with a client or colleague (and is always very happily received!).
Am I allowed one more? 😇 Using Snippets to create a ton of standardised email replies was a great move. From monthly billing emails to project inquiries, it saves a lot of typing (and mental space).
I think I covered most of them above, but a really unexpectedly great feature is that I can convert currencies in Raycast. It even intuitively converts everything into my local currency for me. As a London-based designer working with multiple clients in the US at any given time, I use this literally every day. And it’s one more point of friction reduced 😊
My must-haves that I didn’t include above:
One nice thing about Raycast is that they ship so often, and the community adds new extensions so frequently, you can never be kitted out to the max.
Sometimes I literally just go, ‘I wonder what’s new in the store’ and always come away with something. I really appreciate that in a product.
Download the Raycast app and start taking your productivity to new heights.
macOS 11+